# JupyterLite directive `jupyterlite-sphinx` provides a `jupyterlite` directive that allows you to embed JupyterLab in your docs. ```rst .. jupyterlite:: :width: 100% :height: 600px :prompt: Try JupyterLite! :prompt_color: #00aa42 ``` ```{eval-rst} .. jupyterlite:: :width: 100% :height: 600px :prompt: Try JupyterLite! :prompt_color: #00aa42 ``` You can also pass a Notebook file to open automatically: ```rst .. jupyterlite:: my_notebook.ipynb :width: 100% :height: 600px :prompt: Try JupyterLite! :prompt_color: #00aa42 ``` ```{eval-rst} .. jupyterlite:: my_notebook.ipynb :width: 100% :height: 600px :prompt: Try JupyterLite! :prompt_color: #00aa42 ``` The directive `search_params` allows to transfer some search parameters from the documentation URL to the Jupyterlite URL.\ Jupyterlite will then be able to fetch these parameters from its own URL.\ For example `:search_params: ["param1", "param2"]` will transfer the parameters *param1* and *param2*. Use a boolean value to transfer all or none of the parameters (default to none): `:search_params: True`