TryExamples directive#

jupyterlite-sphinx provides the experimental try_examples directive which allows docstring examples sections written in doctest format to be swapped with an embedded classic Notebook at the push of a button.

Below is an example of the directive in use. The button has been styled with custom css as explained in the configuration section below. Without custom css, the button will be plain and unadorned.

Note that as starting JupyterLite can download a significant amount of data, and that the Jupyter interface is not optimized for mobile, the buttons will be hidden on mobile by default (screen width 480px or smaller). This can be changed by overwriting with custom CSS.

.. try_examples::

    Doctest examples sections are parsed and converted to notebooks. Blocks of text
    like this become markdown cells. Codeblocks begin with ``>>>``. Contiguous blocks
    of code are combined into a single code cell.

    >>> x = 2
    >>> y = 2
    >>> x + y

    ``...`` is used to continue multiline statements.

    >>> def f(x, y):
    ...     return x + y
    >>> f(2, 2)

    Inline LaTeX like :math:`x + y = 4` is converted, as is block LaTeX like

    .. math::

        \int_{x=-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-x^2}\mathrm{d}x = \sqrt{\pi}

    If you are displaying `math output <>`_
    with sphinx. Sphinx links such as the one in the previous sentence are also converted to
    markdown format.

and here is how this looks and works when rendered.


Doctest examples sections are parsed and converted to notebooks. Blocks of text like this become markdown cells. Codeblocks begin with >>>. Contiguous blocks of code are combined into a single code cell.

>>> x = 2
>>> y = 2
>>> x + y

is used to continue multiline statements.

>>> def f(x, y):
...     return x + y
>>> f(2, 2)

Inline LaTeX like \(x + y = 4\) is converted, as is block LaTeX like

\[\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}e^{-x^2}\mathrm{d}x = \sqrt{\pi}\]

If you are displaying math output with sphinx. Sphinx links such as the one in the previous sentence are also converted to markdown format.

By default, the height of the embedded notebook’s iframe container is calculated to match the height of the rendered doctest examples so that it takes up the same amount of space on the page.


The position and style of the button can be customized to match your documentation’s design by adding custom css as explained in Sphinx’s documentation here. The buttons have class try_examples_button. The buttons are placed within containers with class try_examples_button_container, which can be selected to adjust the positioning of the button. The css for the example above is

.try_examples_button {
    color: white;
    background-color: #0054a6;
    border: none;
    padding: 5px 10px;
    border-radius: 10px;
    margin-bottom: 5px;
    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(108,108,108,0.2);

.try_examples_button:hover {
    background-color: #0066cc;
    transform: scale(1.02);
    box-shadow: 0 2px 5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
    cursor: pointer;

.try_examples_button_container {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: flex-end;

The try_examples directive has options

  • :height: To set a specific value for the height of the iframe containing the embedded notebook.

  • :button_text To customize the text of the button that replaces the rendered examples with an embedded notebook.

  • :theme: This works the same as for the other JupyterLite-Sphinx directives.

  • :example_class: An html class to attach to the outer container for the rendered examples content and embedded notebook. This can be used in a custom css file to allow for more precise customization, eg. different button styles across different examples.

  • :warning_text: Prepend a markdown cell to the notebook containing this text, styled to make it clear this is intended as a warning.

Here’s an example with some options set

.. try_examples::
    :button_text: Try it in your browser!
    :height: 400px
    :example_class: blue-bottom
    :warning_text: Interactive examples are experimental and may not always work as expected.

    The button text has changed and the height now exceeds the size of the content.

    >>> x = 2
    >>> y = 2
    >>> x + y

    We've also added the ``blue-bottom`` class, the button should appear as blue,
    below the examples, and on the left side of the screen.

    See `try_examples.css <>`_
    to see how we achieved this via custom css.

and here is the result

The button text has changed and the height now exceeds the size of the content.

>>> x = 2
>>> y = 2
>>> x + y

We’ve also added the blue-bottom class, the button should appear as blue, below the examples, and on the left side of the screen.

See try_examples.css to see how we achieved this via custom css.

Global Configuration#

For projects with a large number of existing doctest examples, it would be tedious to add the try_examples directive manually to each docstring example. If you are using sphinx.ext.autodoc with either numpydoc or sphinx.ext.napoleon, you can set the option.

global_enable_try_examples = True

in your sphinx in order to automatically insert the try_examples directive in examples sections during the "autodoc-process-docstring" event. This works by identifying section headings. An examples section includes all of the content beneath an examples heading, and up to either the next heading or the end of the docstring if there are no further headings. One of numpydoc or sphinx.ext.napoleon is required because these map the section headers to a standardized format.

If an examples section already contains a try_examples directive, no additional directives will be inserted, allowing for specific cases to be separately configured if needed. Adding the comment

..! disable_try_examples`

as the first non-empty line under the section header for an examples section will prevent a directive from being inserted, allowing for specification of examples sections which should not be made interactive.

The button text, theme, and warning text can be set globally with the config variables try_examples_global_button_text, try_examples_global_theme, and try_examples_global_warning_text in; these apply both to automatically and manually inserted directives. Options set explicitly in a directive will override the global configuration.

global_enable_try_examples = True
try_examples_global_button_text = "Try it in your browser!"
try_examples_global_height = "200px"
try_examples_global_warning_text = "Interactive examples are experimental and may not always work as expected."

There is no option to set a global specific height because the proper height should depend on the size of the examples content. Again, the default height of the embedded notebook’s iframe container matches the height of the associated rendered doctest example so that it takes up the same amount of space on the page. For very small examples this may lead to an unusably small notebook. It’s possible to set a global minimum height in the try_examples.json configuration file described below.

try_examples.json configuration file.#

Users may place a configuration file try_examples.json in the source root of their documentation. This configuration file will be copied to the build root of the deployed documentation. Changes to the configuration file in the build root will be respected without rebuilding the documentation, allowing for runtime configuration.

The current options are


The format is a list of JavaScript Regex patterns attached to the key "ignore_patterns" like below.

    "ignore_patterns": ["^\/latest/.*", "^\/stable\/reference\/generated\/example.html"]

TryExamples buttons will be hidden in url pathnames matching at least one of these patterns, effectively disabling the interactive documentation. In the provided example:

  • The pattern "^\/latest\/.*" disables interactive examples for urls for the documentation for the latest version of the package, which may be useful if this documentation is for a development version for which a corresponding package build is not available in a JupyterLite kernel.

  • The pattern "^\/stable\/reference\/generated\/example.html" targets a particular url in the documentation for the latest stable release.

Note that these patterns should match the pathname of the url, not the full url. This is the path portion of the url. For instance, the pathname of is /en/latest/directives/try_examples.html. Also, note that since these are JavaScript-based regular expressions, to use special characters in the regular expression (such as /), they must be escaped with a backslash (\).

Again, the configuration file can be added or edited within the deployed documentation, allowing for disabling or enabling examples without rebuilding the documentation.


To avoid having unusably small notebooks for very small examples due to the default of having the embedded notebooks’ iframe containers take the same amount of space as the rendered content they replace, users can set a global minimum height in try_examples.json.

    "global_min_height": "400px"

This allows the minimum height to be set or changed without rebuilding the docs. This configuration value will be ignored when a specific height is supplied as an option to .. try_examples::.

Other considerations#

If you are using the TryExamples directive in your documentation, you’ll need to ensure that the version of the package installed in the Jupyterlite kernel you are using matches that of the version you are documenting.